On the chair back is the "scruffily" quilt top I finished. Tutorial by Rachel Griffith at p.s. i quilt for Moda Bakeshop
A fat quarter bundle of "Authentic" by Moda freshly washed and ironed
And a layer cake freshly washed and ironed...
So my few simple questions are... Am I the only one that pre-washes precuts? Do you wash all precuts or only some (say layer cakes but not honey bun strips)? I just can't bring myself to make a quilt out of unwashed fabric... and I think I am a happy martyr to ironing.
Now on to the fun part...
In an effort to get an answer to this question I am doing my first giveaway and since I just signed up for a "A year of Schnibbles" (see button to the right) my mind is on all things 5 inches square...I am giving away a full set of (pre-washed and ironed) 5 inch charms of the "Authentic" fabric from these fat quarters you see on the chair (the ones on the right). In order to win this lovely prize. All you need to do is comment on this post with an answer to either or both of my questions. You can also get a second entry if you post about it on your blog just leave a comment telling me that too. I will take entries until midnight Saturday night then use a randomizer to pick the winner. Don't forget to check back on Sunday night to see if you won.
your scruffily top looks great!!!
i saw it first over at my flickr group.
hi-5 to you!!!
to answer your questions:
i don't know of anyone that washes precuts.
{well now i know you...lol.}
i do NOT wash any of my fabrics before using them.
{i know, i know...people debate over this until the cows come home, but this method works for me.}
so you said you were making 3 scruffily quilts...which lines are you using???
or are you making all 3 of them in hushabye???
I am making two in Hushabye and the other is for my stepson... it will be out of the "manly" (teehee) Authentic prints AKA not the flowers... I may be the weird one... I love to wash and iron the fabric before I cut it. As I said I am a happy ironer (is that a word?)
Hi Julie! I'm back :^)
To answer your question I do not wash my precuts. I used to wash everything but now I'm trying out not washing everything and see which I like better. Does that answer your question?
I like the scruffily quilt top a lot. I could see myself making a few of those too.
I'll post about your giveaway on my blog.
Ooh... I think you and Rachel are so decadent I will have to try it sometime... I hope you make the scruffily quilt it is a lot of fun... then post over on Rachels flickr group so we can all see...
I wash & iron all my fabrics and precut, nut jelly roll or honey bun !
I too signed for a year of Schnibbles, love your fabric & giveaway.
Oh thanks so much... so I am not the only Ironing nut :)
Ohh.. Im not the only one then... I thought I was alone pre washing these days... but believe me.. I have had thoughts of NOT prewashing... and when I am going to cut into them.. I go and wash them...lol...
But I think I need to make a test and see how the result will be!!
At least for the Jelly rollls..;o) I know I m crazy!!! But that s the way I am!! lol..
I prewash nothing. Not even red. I wash finished pieces with Shout Color Catchers and have never had a problem with bleeding or shrinking. I think that the unwashed fabric sews better, too. What a beauty you are working on! Lovely. I will post about your giveaway.
I never prewash any of my fabrics. I like how the edges are so straight before they are washed so I feel my seams are straighter. I heard about your giveaway from Dandelion Quilts. You have a nice blog.
Stina - I am just that way. I have nightmares about shrinkage...
Dandelion Quilts - You are so brave... but if you have had no problems then I will consider trying it. It sure would save time.
CAthy M. - That is a great point about the fabric being just that bit more straight. Thanks so much!
Lets see to answer your question, I don't know anyone but you that washes precuts, I don't wash anything I know for shame!
I added a link to your contest on my blog
I'm an ardent washer, too, but I don't wash precut pieces. I figure they are likely to fray and then won't be the right size any more.
Well I have to say, I've never been fortunate enough to get a stack of pre-cuts. I would think that if I did get some though, I wouldn't wash them simply to keep their shape. :)
I don't pre-wash any of my fabric. I like the way it will crinkle after the quilting is done and it gets washed for the first time!
You very well may be the only one who washes your pre-cuts! I don't was any pre-cuts...just any over half yard.
I never prewash. I love the puckered look a quilt gets after it is washed. I use a color catcher for any excess dye.
Awesome... thanks everyone... note to self: must find this color catcher thingy (thingy is a technical term) ;)
I wash everything, usually.
I've only just gotten interested in precuts. I just bought a couple of jelly rolls from Fat Quarter Shop and have no plans to wash them. I just figured if I wash them I'll lose some of the measurement to raveling.
As for color bleeding, I use the Shout color thingys! So far they've worked well.
I do not pre-wash my pre-cuts. Never have and never will, I like them just like they are. I don't pre-wash any of my fabric before quilting. It's a personal preference and that's my preference.
I used to prewash fat quarters, although not any more, and I definitely don't wash charms, jelly rolls or layer cakes.
I never was pre-cuts of any quality fabric and have NEVER had any issues with any of the bags, table toppers or quilts I have made and they have all been washed and washed.
You are the only one!! Well except for the few others that will admit it! Thanks for doing the giveaway...I love Authentic!!
Hi Julie!
My first visit and what a wonderful blog you have! Your quilt turned out so nice; I just love the fabric.
To answer your question, I don't wash anything anymore. Since Shout came out with Color Catchers I have even stopped washing my batiks (yikes). I buy good quality fabric and have not had any problems at all. I make a lot of quilts and quilt alot for others and I'm not seeing as much pre-wash as before. If I think there might be a bleeding problem I throw a few extra Color Catchers in the wash and all is good. I keep using the CC until they are full of color and then when I am done if they are a pretty color I use them in "artsy" stuff. I feel it is a win-win situation and gives me more time to quilt (ha). But really it is all about your comfort level; if you want to pre-wash and iron then you go girl!
Ps: what a wonderful giveaway!
I love the quilt you made, can't wait to see more. I want to try that pattern out, and you have motivated me to! The Authentic line is awesome, I plan on getting some soon. I don't prewash, unless it's RED, and if it's red, it has to be a lot of it, not the charm squares, but yardage. I always throw a color catcher sheet in with my quilts the first time I wash them.
Just wanted to say you quilt looks wonderful. I never prewash anything. I like the crispness of the fabric and I have never had a problem.
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